On buildings and sacred places. Where is religious life situated?

1. The generous Space, an interwoven Concept for a World in Motion

a. From problem to opportunity

This text is a summary report of the research that has started as a search for the revitalization of Flanders’ religious heritage, and has evolved towards the design of new sacred spaces based on the concept of “ the generous space”. This concept can be applied both within the religious heritage in order to open it, or within everyday space, in order to enrich it. Secularization as a social theme was not the only point of departure, but the impact of the full transition and globalization too were included in the research. Those themes were not considered to be a problem, but more an opportunity.

 b. From action to interaction

The concept of “the generous space” is based on research by design. Imagination was the key to increase the range of future perspectives, to deepen content and to strengthen the dynamics between human-form-content. Research by design interweaves the concrete with the conceptual and allows to develop not only linear but also spiral processes. So the start or ending point is not that important here, but the interaction between the different steps are. The most important output of this research by design consists of three finished projects to be experienced : a pilot project, a turning project and a summary project. The three projects have each grown up in a different period of time, have a different scale and offer answers to a different question. They are not separate from each other, but are an evolution. All three are embedded locally, have social impact in the Flemish region but have international appearance too. The three projects have become three processes that continue to evolve.

c. From polarization to differentiation

The concept of “the generous space” is based on the idea that every moment and every place carry spiritual potential. That is why “the generous space” breaks open the binary thinking between sacred and profane to give oxygen to all levels of life. It interweaves meaning and function in time and space. The generous space is a space that both moves people and makes them stand still.


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